How free are you from your business...or are YOU the business?
Your answers will be kept strictly confidential!
Question 1 of 4
How long could your business survive without you/the owner present?
The weekend
Less than a week
1 to 2 weeks
1 month
6 months
1 year (or more)
Question 2 of 4
If less than a week or only the weekend, what road blocks are preventing you/the owner from being away longer from the business?
Not enough money
Not enough people
Not enough of the "right" people
Not enough time to think about it
Don't know how to get there
I'm just too overwhelmed!
Other? (please add your answers below)
Question 3 of 4
What other reasons might you have that we did not include in our list?
(answer NA if nothing to add)
Question 4 of 4
I want to stay in touch with Daran by receiving periodic email communications and event notices.
Yes - Please be sure to check the box for "SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST" when providing your name and email address after completing the Survey.
Not at this time