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#039Ā  The Time for Greater Freedom Starts NOW!

August 11, 2023
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about the specifics of what it takes to become a Freedom Focused organization which creates much greater personal and professional freedom for small business owners.

Small business owners don't need an MBA, but most dream of MBF

AugustĀ 1, 2023
Follow Kelly's path as a determined small business owner dealing with employee challenges. Uncover the vision of a "Freedom Focused" business with the "Dream Team" Builder Course. Empower your business for success and achieve newfound freedom.

#038 Rejuvenation Time as a Reality, Not Just a Dream

May 25, 2023
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about how Apple Computer creates not just customers, but raving fans of it's products, and how you can, and should be doing the same for your business in order to take it to a higher level of success.

Making Rejuvenation Time a Reality, Not Just a Dream

May 9, 2023
Visiting Egypt had always been a dream, but I knew nothing about Abu Simbel until I saw the picture above showing Ramesses' beautiful temple bathed in sunlight, which made me wonder... was the picture taken at dawn or dusk?

#037  Apple Computer’s Secret Weapon

March 30, 2023
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about how Apple Computer creates not just customers, but raving fans of its products, and how you can, and should be doing the same for your business in order to take it to a higher level of success.

What is Apple's Secret Weapon? (Hint: It Isn't Low Prices)

March 14, 2023
As buyers of products and services, we think we’re buying what’s being sold, but most of the time, subconsciously, we are actually buying why it’s being sold.

#036  A Fresh Start to the New Year Begins with Goals

December 29, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about charting a path into the future that is less guess work and fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, and much more of a certainty when you follow a tried and true process for setting goals.

Charting Your Path to Greater Success and FREEDOM

December 20, 2022
The very best way to realize a vision is to do it collectively, with full participation from your team to help achieve your vision. Your leadership team should help to define the goals necessary to achieve the vision, because after all, they are the ones responsible for achieving the goals.

#035  Thankfulness & Gratitude

December 1, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by bestselling author, sales trainer, and motivational speaker, Mark Matteson to discuss the topic of gratitude, how it's impacted Mark's life, and the ways that he practices gratitude on a regular basis.

Practicing Gratitude and Experiencing Joy at Thanksgiving

November 22, 2022
As I said in my article last Thanksgiving, to really appreciate the things in life that you value most, to be most thankful, you need to visualize, as vividly as you can, a situation where you would be truly grateful.

#034  Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for the Good Life (Part 2)

October 6, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by Dirk Haupt again to continue their discussion of Thomas Jefferson's "10 Rules of Live", this time focusing on rules 6-10 plus two little known "bonus rules."

Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for the Good Life (Part 2)

September 27, 2022
In this article, we will apply the same interpretation to rules six through ten, and throw in a "bonus" of sorts by also discussing two additional rules that Jefferson shared with his granddaughter, Cornelia Jefferson Randolph, several years prior to sharing the now famous "Decalogue of Cannons" with young Thomas Jefferson Smith in 1825. 

#033 Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules (Part 1)

September 22, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by Dirk Haupt to discuss Thomas Jefferson's "10 Rules of Live" including some background and the meaning of the first five rules.

Thomas Jefferson's 10 Rules for the Good Life (Part 1)

September 13, 2022
Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 and famously died on July 4, 1826, on the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the United States of America, codified by Jefferson's most important and famous contribution to our nation, the Declaration of Independence.

#032  Hope Is Not a Business Strategy

September 08, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking with long-time friend, Howard Bashford, about the appropriate application to small business owners of the phrase, "Hope Is Not a Business Strategy."

Hope Is Not a Business Strategy

August 30, 2022
At the end of 2006, we were finishing our best year ever for gross revenue. Our employee numbers hit a peak of 28 that year, and we celebrated our good fortune with a festive Christmas party in the new office building we had just purchased in 2005. Despite all the positives, I knew our fortunes would be changing very soon.

#031  Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout

August 25, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking with long-time entrepreneur and business coach Gary Wilbers about one of his most recent articles, titled “8 Tips to Manage Entrepreneurial Stress and Avoid Burnout.”

Core Values, Vision & Superior Performance

August 16, 2022
The first company meeting of the new year, in January of 2016, was unlike any meeting we had ever had at D.R. Wastchak, LLC (DRW). Things had changed and were going to be changing even more over the next year and beyond.

#030  Navigating the "Demographic Drought"

August 11, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by Tara Jackson, who is President of The Arizona Town Hall.  Tara and Daran will be discussing a recent report, titled "The Demographic Drought", that helps to explain reasons for the labor challenges we've experienced the past several years.

Navigating the Demographic Drought

August 02, 2022
It's not that we can't find enough or "the right" people to fill job openings, it's that the people we need simply don't exist, and we need to face the reality that our labor shortage in the United States, and in many other developed countries in the world, is not temporary.

#029  Why Is Everyone So Excited About A 4-Day Work Week?

July 28, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a 4-day work week for small business owners, including a little history on employee work hours, studies that prove a 4-day work week is beneficial to both employees and employers, and how to move your business from a 5-day to a 4-day work week.

More Rejuvenation Time with A 4-Day Work Week

July 19, 2022
In the past several months, it seems that every news outlet has been talking about the "4-Day Work Week." I ran across an article in The Washington Post last week:  "Nobody wants to be in the office on Fridays"

#028  Freedom to Exit - Guest Interview with Lisa Riley

July 14, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be joined by special guest Lisa Riley of Delta Business Advisors to learn tips and tricks for selling your business when you've achieved the "Freedom to Exit".

Achieving Your Freedom to Exit

July 5, 2022
I'll admit that calling the highest level of freedom for a business and its owner "Freedom to Exit" is a bit unconventional. Why not just call it "maximum freedom" or "peak freedom", since it resides at the top of a pyramid?

#027  Two Important Elements of a Strategic and Business Plan Every Business Should Have

June 30, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about Strategic Planning and Business Planning, why both types of planning are most likely not an activity that most small business owners engage in, and two elements common to both types of plans that every business should have.

No Time for Planning? Be Certain to At Least Do These Two Things!

June 21, 2022
In a previous article, I shared the story of my experience with "strategic planning". In the words of George Steiner, a strategic plan is, "a systems approach to maneuvering an enterprise over time through the uncertain waters of its changing environment to achieve prescribed aims."

#026  How Small Business Owners Can Escape the Struggle Between Work and Leisure

June 16, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a struggle that’s been going on for mankind for thousands of years, and is as strong today as it’s ever been. The struggle is with time.  The time we devote to work, and the time we devote to leisure.

Work, Leisure, and Rejuvenation 

June 07, 2022
Our stone age ancestors, homo sapiens, evolved around 300,000 BC during the Paleolithic period. Almost all of their time was devoted to simply surviving by hunting birds and animals and gathering berries, fruit and nuts from the lands they lived in.

#025  The #1 Challenge for Small Business Owners

June 02, 2022
In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about the biggest challenges identified by small business owners in today’s economy, with particular focus on the number one challenge that rises to the top of most business owner’s list.

The #1 Challenge for Small Business Owners

May 24, 2022
In 1953, writer William Burroughs gave us the often quoted phrase, "If you're not growing, your dying." In the world of business, this quote seems to have achieved the status of gospel, being the default goal and aim of every business owner.

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