June 16, 2022 by Daran Wastchak
#026 How Small Business Owners Can Escape the Struggle Between Work and Leisure

In this episode, host Daran Wastchak will be talking about a struggle that’s been going on for mankind for thousands of years, and is as strong today as it’s ever been.
The struggle he's referring to is with time.
The time we devote to work, and the time we devote to leisure, when we’re not working.
Daran's going to take a philosophical look at work and leisure, how the struggle between the two is actually a relatively new phenomenon in our evolutionary history as a species, and how, while this struggle may seem inevitable, and something that most everyone has simply resigned themselves to, it doesn’t have to be that way for everyone.
In particular, it doesn’t have to be that way for small business owners.
Join Daran for this week’s episode and he’ll explain exactly why and how.
Enjoy the show and don't forget to...
Stay focused on your freedom!
Here's a glance at this episode...
- [01:28] Growth was the number one challenge identified by small business owners.
- [03:24] What does the US Bureau of Labor Statistics consider to be a “small business?”
- [04:50] Having a low number of applicants to fill positions is the number one difficulty when it comes to filling positions according to Guidant’s research in 2022.
- [06:05] I relied on the culture of my company to attract and retain employees.
- [07:08] It started with creating a vision.
- [08:24] Having core values is also essential to employees.
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Meditations on Hunting by Jose Ortega y Gasset
- Daran’s article, “Work, Leisure, and Rejuvenation”
- Daran’s article and podcast, “How to ‘Never work another day in your life!’”:
Podcast - “Four Levels of Freedom” for small business owners
- Join my email list!